Tariff code:
This product is discontinued.
Please contact us for possible replacement product options.
Link to the manufacturers site: ZB6YJ012 - incandescent bulb with T1 1/4 base - 12 V
range of product: Harmony XB6
accessory / separate part designation: Incandescent bulb 2 pin T1 1/4
Accessory / separate part type: Incandescent bulb
accessory / separate part category: Lighting accessories
accessory / separate part destination: Pilot light; Illuminated push-button
[Us] rated supply voltage: 12 V
Quantity per set: Set of 10
signalling type: Steady
net weight: 0.002 kg
Offer Sustainability
EU RoHS Directive: Pro-active compliance (Product out of EU RoHS legal scope)
Toxic heavy metal free: Yes
Mercury free: Yes
RoHS exemption information: Yes
China RoHS Regulation: X
Environmental Disclosure: ENVPEP1710010EN
Circularity Profile: ENVEOLI1710010EN
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