About Us
Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
Friday: 08:00 - 15:00
Company details:
Name: ALPLAN Kft.
Address: 1097 Budapest, Vaskapu str.7
Store adress: 1119 Budapest, Etele str. 73.
e-mail : info@alplan.hu
Phone: +36-1-206-35-08
Registration number: Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága: 01-09-688663
EU VAT number: HU12486780
Our company's predecessor the ALPLAN GMK was formed in 1985.
First we manufactured electronical joint-boxes (see: Archive recording) after that we switched to little and great trades of industrial electricity. The switch was after 1996 when we opened our store as ELEKTRO KELENFÖLD in Etele út 73, BUDAPEST 1119.
Our store's slogan connected to our profile is: "Everything that can be needed to distributor manufacturing", to the easier finding: "Opposite to the train station". Our company's profil is made to the highest level of serving with SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC products for the distributor manufacturers.
Schneider specialist
For the better availability and the more perfect service for customers we costructed a huge stockpile which was the biggest SHNEIDER stockpile in Hungery until the SCHNEIDER Regional Distribution Center was built. And now we are first among the SCHNEIDER resellers in Hungary.
If anybody searched for a product in the SCHNEIDER customer service, they gave the name and address of 3 resellers jut to keep their neutrality, but also said that "If you want to go for sure try at the ALPLAN Kft. and their store the ELEKTRO KELENFÖLD.