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OPC Factory Server, L, verziófrissítés
Net discounted price 704.72 EUR
Available when ordered (delivery time: 14 working day(s))
Barcode: 3606480931925
Tariff code: 8523492000

Link to the manufacturers site: TLXCDUPDLOFS - OPC Factory Server, L, verziófrissítés


Range of produc: OPC Factory

Product or component type: Software upgrade

format: DVD-ROM

Type of license: Large

Communication network type: Modbus (Modbus serial); Modbus (Modbus Plus); Modbus (Modbus TCP); Uni-Telway/X-Way (Uni-Telway); Uni-Telway/X-Way (Fipway); Uni-Telway/X-Way (ISAway); Uni-Telway/X-Way (PCIway)

software version: V3.60

Operating system: Windows 8; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows 10; Windows 8.1

language: English; German; French


Kit composition: Example of OPC client; OPC server software; OPC server simulator; OFS configuration software; Setup documentation on DVD-ROM

Software designation: OFS data server

Software function: Data exchange

Range compatibility: Vijeo Designer Vijeo Designer 4.6; Modicon Quantum; Modicon Premium; Modicon M340; Modicon Micro; Modicon Compact; Modicon Momentum; Modicon TSX Micro; TSX series 7; April series 1000; Uni-Telway serial devices; Modbus serial devices; Unity Pro; Modicon M580

Packing Units

Unit Type of Package 1: PCE

Number of Units in Package 1: 1

Package 1 Height: 1.500 cm

Package 1 Width: 13.800 cm

Package 1 Length: 16.500 cm

Package 1 Weight: 105.000 g

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