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variable speed drive, ATV950, 37kW, 400/480V, with braking unit, IP55
Net discounted price 4,663.11 EUR
Available when ordered (delivery time: 107 working day(s))
Barcode: 3606480883859
Tariff code: 8504409590

Link to the manufacturers site: ATV950D37N4 - variable speed drive, ATV950, 37kW, 400/480V, with braking unit, IP55


Range of product: Altivar Process ATV900

device application: Industrial application

Product or component type: Variable speed drive

Product destination: Synchronous motors; Asynchronous motors

Product specific application: Process for industrial

Variant: Standard version; With braking chopper

Network number of phases: 3 phases

Design of frequency changer: U converter

Mounting mode: Wall mount

communication port protocol: EtherNet/IP; Modbus serial; Modbus TCP

[Us] rated supply voltage: 380...480 V - 15...10 %

[Us] rated supply voltage: 380...480 V

Relative symmetric mains voltage tolerance: 10 %

Nominal output current: 74.5 A

Motor power kW: 37.0 kW for normal duty; 30.0 kW for heavy duty

Number of input phases: 3

Number of output phases: 3

Continuous output current: 74.5 A at 4 kHz for normal duty; 61.5 A at 4 kHz for heavy duty

EMC filter: Integrated; With EMC plate option

IP degree of protection: IP55

Degree of protection: UL type 1

Option card: Slot A: communication module for Profibus DP V1; Slot A: communication module for PROFINET; Slot A: communication module for DeviceNet; Slot A: communication module for EtherCAT; Slot A: communication module for CANopen daisy chain RJ45; Slot A: communication module for CANopen SUB-D 9; Slot A: communication module for CANopen screw terminals; Slot A/slot B/slot C: digital and analog I/O extension module; Slot A/slot B/slot C: output relay extension module; Slot B: 5/12 V digital encoder interface module; Slot B: analog encoder interface module; Slot B: resolver encoder interface module; communication module for Ethernet Powerlink

Discrete input logic: 16 preset speeds

Asynchronous motor control profile: Constant torque standard; Optimized torque mode; Variable torque standard

Synchronous motor control profile: Permanent magnet motor; Synchronous reluctance motor

Maximum output frequency: 599 Hz

Switching frequency: 2...16 kHz adjustable; 4...16 kHz with derating factor

Nominal switching frequency: 4 kHz

Line current: 66.2 A at 380 V (normal duty); 54.8 A at 380 V (heavy duty); 57.3 A at 480 V (normal duty); 48.3 A at 480 V (heavy duty)

Apparent power: 47.6 kVA at 480 V (normal duty); 40.2 kVA at 480 V (heavy duty)

Maximum transient current: 89.4 A during 60 s (normal duty); 92.3 A during 60 s (heavy duty)

Network frequency: 50...60 Hz

Prospective line Isc: 50 kA


Discrete input number: 10

Discrete input type: DI1...DI8 programmable, 24 V DC (<= 30 V), impedance: 3.5 kOhm; DI7, DI8 programmable as pulse input: 0…30 kHz, 24 V DC (<= 30 V); STOA, STOB safe torque off, 24 V DC (<= 30 V), impedance: > 2.2 kOhm

Discrete output number: 2

Discrete output type: Logic output DQ+ 0…1 kHz <= 30 V DC 100 mA; Programmable as pulse output DQ+ 0…30 kHz <= 30 V DC 20 mA; Logic output DQ- 0…1 kHz <= 30 V DC 100 mA

Analogue input number: 3

Analogue input type: AI1, AI2, AI3 software-configurable voltage: 0...10 V DC, impedance: 30 kOhm, resolution 12 bits; AI1, AI2, AI3 software-configurable current: 0...20 mA/4...20 mA, impedance: 250 Ohm, resolution 12 bits

Analogue output number: 2

Analogue output type: Software-configurable voltage AQ1, AQ2: 0...10 V DC impedance 470 Ohm, resolution 10 bits; Software-configurable current AQ1, AQ2: 0...20 mA impedance 500 Ohm, resolution 10 bits

Relay output number: 3

Relay output type: Configurable relay logic R1: fault relay NO/NC electrical durability 100000 cycles; Configurable relay logic R2: sequence relay NO electrical durability 1000000 cycles; Configurable relay logic R3: sequence relay NO electrical durability 1000000 cycles

Number of inputs, bidirectional, not potential-free: 0

Number of inputs, potential-free: 0

Maximum switching current: Relay output R1 on resistive load, cos phi = 1: 3 A at 250 V AC; Relay output R1 on resistive load, cos phi = 1: 3 A at 30 V DC; Relay output R1 on inductive load, cos phi = 0.4 and L/R = 7 ms: 2 A at 250 V AC; Relay output R1 on inductive load, cos phi = 0.4 and L/R = 7 ms: 2 A at 30 V DC; Relay output R2, R3 on resistive load, cos phi = 1: 5 A at 250 V AC; Relay output R2, R3 on resistive load, cos phi = 1: 5 A at 30 V DC; Relay output R2, R3 on inductive load, cos phi = 0.4 and L/R = 7 ms: 2 A at 250 V AC; Relay output R2, R3 on inductive load, cos phi = 0.4 and L/R = 7 ms: 2 A at 30 V DC

Minimum switching current: Relay output R1, R2, R3: 5 mA at 24 V DC

Encoder protocol: 1 Vpp; EnDat 2.2; Resolver; RS 422; SSI 24V; SSI 5V; TTL/HTL

Computer port: True

Optical interface present: False

Physical interface: Ethernet; 2-wire RS 485

Connector type: 2 RJ45; 1 RJ45

Method of access: Slave Modbus TCP

Transmission rate: 10, 100 Mbits; 4.8 kbps; 9600 bit/s; 19200 bit/s

Transmission frame: RTU

Number of addresses: 1…247

Data format: 8 bits, configurable odd, even or no parity

Type of polarization: No impedance

Number of HW interfaces parallel: 0

Number of HW interfaces industrial Ethernet: 2

Number of HW interfaces PROFINET: 0

Number of HW interfaces serial RS232: 0

Number of HW interfaces serial RS422: 0

Number of HW interfaces serial RS485: 1

Number of HW interfaces serial TTY: 0

Number of HW interfaces USB: 0

Number of HW interfaces other: 0

Supporting protocol for AS-Interface Safety at Work: False

Supporting protocol for ASI: False

Supporting protocol for SUCONET: False

Supporting protocol for BACnet: False

Supporting protocol for CAN: True

Supporting protocol for Data-Highway: False

Supporting protocol for DeviceNet: False

Supporting protocol for DeviceNet Safety: False

Supporting protocol for EtherNet/IP: True

Supporting protocol for Foundation Fieldbus: False

Supporting protocol for INTERBUS: False

Supporting protocol for INTERBUS-Safety: False

Supporting protocol for KNX: False

Supporting protocol for LON: False

Supporting protocol for MODBUS: True

Supporting protocol for other bus systems: False

Supporting protocol for PROFIBUS: True

Supporting protocol for PROFINET CBA: True

Supporting protocol for PROFINET IO: True

Supporting protocol for PROFIsafe: False

Supporting protocol for SafetyBUS P: False

Supporting protocol for SERCOS: False

Supporting protocol for TCP/IP: True

4 quadrant operation possible: True

Acceleration and deceleration ramps: Linear adjustable separately from 0.01...9999 s

Motor slip compensation: Automatic whatever the load; Can be suppressed; Not available in permanent magnet motor law; Adjustable

Braking to standstill: By DC injection

Brake chopper integrated: True

Maximum associated fuse rating: 125.0 A

Maximum input current: 66.2 A

Maximum output voltage: 480.0 V

Nominal output power: 37.0 W

Relative symmetric network frequency tolerance: 5 %

1 phase low current possible: False

Base load current at high overload: 61.5 A

Base load current at low overload: 74.5 A

Application in domestic and commercial area permitted: False

Application in industrial area permitted: True

EMC limit value (complied): True

Power loss per device current dependent: 1030.0 W

Power loss static current independent: 31.0 W

Housing material: Sheet steel

With safety function Safely Limited Speed (SLS): True

With safety function Safe brake management (SBC/SBT): True

With safety function Safe Operating Stop (SOS): False

With safety function Safe Position (SP): False

With safety function Safe programmable logic: False

With safety function Safe Speed Monitor (SSM): False

With safety function Safe Stop 1 (SS1): True

With sft fct Safe Stop 2 (SS2): False

With safety function Safe torque off (STO): True

With safety function Safely Limited Position (SLP): False

With safety function Safe Direction (SDI): False

Protection type: Thermal protection: motor; Safe torque off: motor; Motor phase break: motor; Thermal protection: drive; Safe torque off: drive; Overheating: drive; Overcurrent between output phases and earth: drive; Overload of output voltage: drive; Short-circuit protection: drive; Motor phase break: drive; Overvoltages on the DC bus: drive; Line supply overvoltage: drive; Line supply undervoltage: drive; Line supply phase loss: drive; Overspeed: drive; Break on the control circuit: drive

Operating element present: True

Quantity per set: 1

Width: 290 mm

Height: 910 mm

Depth: 340 mm

Net weight: 50 kg

Electrical connection: Control: screw terminal 0.5...1.5 mm²/AWG 20...AWG 16; Line side: screw terminal 25...50 mm²/AWG 4...AWG 1; DC bus: screw terminal 25...50 mm²/AWG 4...AWG 1; Motor: screw terminal 35...50 mm²/AWG 3...AWG 1

Transmission rate: 10/100 Mbit/s for Ethernet IP/Modbus TCP; 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4 kbit/s for Modbus serial

Exchange mode: Half duplex, full duplex, autonegotiation Ethernet IP/Modbus TCP

Data format: 8 bits, configurable odd, even or no parity for Modbus serial

Type of polarization: No impedance for Modbus serial

Number of addresses: 1…247 for Modbus serial

Supply: External supply for digital inputs: 24 V DC (19…30 V), <1.25 mA, protection type: overload and short-circuit protection; Internal supply for reference potentiometer (1 to 10 kOhm): 10.5 V DC +/- 5 %, <10 mA, protection type: overload and short-circuit protection; Internal supply for digital inputs and STO: 24 V DC (21…27 V), <200 mA, protection type: overload and short-circuit protection

Local signalling: Local diagnostic: 3 LED (mono/dual colour); Embedded communication status: 5 LED (dual colour); Communication module status: 2 LED (dual colour); Presence of voltage: 1 LED (red)

Input compatibility: DI1...DI8: discrete input level 1 PLC conforming to IEC 61131-2; DI7, DI8: pulse input level 1 PLC conforming to IEC 65A-68; STOA, STOB: discrete input level 1 PLC conforming to IEC 61131-2

Discrete input logic: Positive logic (source) (DI1...DI8), < 5 V (state 0), > 11 V (state 1); Negative logic (sink) (DI1...DI8), > 16 V (state 0), < 10 V (state 1); Positive logic (source) (DI7, DI8), < 0.6 V (state 0), > 2.5 V (state 1); Positive logic (source) (STOA, STOB), < 5 V (state 0), > 11 V (state 1)

Sampling duration: 2 ms +/- 0.5 ms (DI1...DI8) - discrete input; 5 ms +/- 1 ms (DI7, DI8) - pulse input; 1 ms +/- 1 ms (AI1, AI2, AI3) - analog input; 5 ms +/- 1 ms (AQ1, AQ2) - analog output

Accuracy: +/- 0.6 % AI1, AI2, AI3 for a temperature variation 60 °C analog input; +/- 1 % AQ1, AQ2 for a temperature variation 60 °C analog output

Linearity error: AI1, AI2, AI3: +/- 0.15 % of maximum value for analog input; AQ1, AQ2: +/- 0.2 % for analog output

Refresh time: Relay output (R1, R2, R3): 5 ms (+/- 0.5 ms)

Isolation: Between power and control terminals


Operating altitude: <= 1000 m without derating; 1000...4800 m with current derating 1 % per 100 m

Operating position: Vertical +/- 10 degree

Product certifications: TÜV; CSA; UL

Marking: CE

Standards: UL 508C; IEC 61800-3; IEC 61800-5-1; IEC 61000-3-12; IEC 60721-3; IEC 61508; IEC 13849-1

Maximum THDI: <48 % from 80...100 % of load conforming to IEC 61000-3-12

Assembly style: Enclosed

Electromagnetic compatibility: Electrostatic discharge immunity test level 3 conforming to IEC 61000-4-2; Radiated radio-frequency electromagnetic field immunity test level 3 conforming to IEC 61000-4-3; Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test level 4 conforming to IEC 61000-4-4; 1.2/50 µs - 8/20 µs surge immunity test level 3 conforming to IEC 61000-4-5; Conducted radio-frequency immunity test level 3 conforming to IEC 61000-4-6

Environmental class (during operation): Class 3C3 according to IEC 60721-3-3; Class 3S3 according to IEC 60721-3-3

Environmental class (during storage): Class 1C3 according to EN 60721-3-1; Class 1S2 according to EN 60721-3-1

Environmental class (during transport): Class 2C3 according to EN 60721-3-2; Class 2S1 according to EN 60721-3-2

Maximum acceleration under shock impact (during operation): 150 m/s² at 11 ms

Maximum acceleration under shock load (during storage): 150 m/s² at 11 ms

Maximum acceleration under shock load (during transport): 150 m/s² at 11 ms

Maximum acceleration under vibratory load (during storage): 10 m/s² at 13...200 Hz

Maximum acceleration under vibratory load (during transport): 10 m/s² at 13...200 Hz

Maximum acceleration under vibrational stress (during operation): 10 m/s² at 13...200 Hz

Maximum deflection under vibratory load (during storage): 1.5 mm at 2...13 Hz

Maximum deflection under vibratory load (during transport): 1.5 mm at 2...13 Hz

Maximum deflection under vibratory load (during operation): 1.5 mm at 2...13 Hz

Permitted relative humidity (during operation): Class 3K5 according to EN 60721-3

Permitted relative humidity (during storage): Class 1K5 according to EN 60721-3

Permitted relative humidity (during transport): Class 2K5 according to EN 60721-3

Overvoltage category: III

Regulation loop: Adjustable PID regulator

Ambient air temperature for operation: -15…50 °C

Insulation resistance: > 1 MOhm 500 V DC for 1 minute to earth

Noise level: 69.7 dB conforming to 86/188/EEC

Vibration resistance: 1.5 mm peak to peak (f= 2…13 Hz) conforming to IEC 60068-2-6; 1 gn (f= 13…200 Hz) conforming to IEC 60068-2-6

Shock resistance: 15 gn for 11 ms conforming to IEC 60068-2-27

Environmental characteristic: Chemical pollution resistance class 3C3 conforming to IEC 60721-3-3; Dust pollution resistance class 3S3 conforming to IEC 60721-3-3

Relative humidity: 5…95 % without condensation conforming to IEC 60068-2-3

Ambient air temperature for operation: -15…40 °C (without derating); 40…50 °C (with derating factor)

Noise level: 69.7 dB

Pollution degree: 2

Ambient air transport temperature: -40…70 °C

Ambient air temperature for storage: -40…70 °C

Packing Units

Unit Type of Package 1: PCE

Number of Units in Package 1: 1

Package 1 Height: 50.5 cm

Package 1 Width: 43.5 cm

Package 1 Length: 109.5 cm

Package 1 Weight: 58 kg

Offer Sustainability

Sustainable offer status: Green Premium product

REACh Regulation: Reference contains Substances of Very High Concern above the threshold

EU RoHS Directive: Pro-active compliance (Product out of EU RoHS legal scope)

Mercury free: Yes

China RoHS Regulation: X

RoHS exemption information: Yes

Environmental Disclosure: ENVPEP1506001EN

Circularity Profile: ENVEOLI1506001EN

WEEE: The product must be disposed on European Union markets following specific waste collection and never end up in rubbish bins

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