Tariff code: 8538909999
Link to the manufacturers site: MTN682191 - Analog input REG-K/4g
Range of produc: KNX
Product or component type: Analogue input
Product destination: KNX bus system
Bus type: KNX
18 mm pitches: 4
mounting support: DIN rail
analogue input type: Voltage analog input; Current analog input
Number of inputs: 4
IP degree of protection: IP20
Packing Units
Unit Type of Package 1: PCE
Number of Units in Package 1: 1
Package 1 Height: 8.200 cm
Package 1 Width: 13.400 cm
Package 1 Length: 16.000 cm
Package 1 Weight: 228.000 g
Unit Type of Package 2: CAR
Number of Units in Package 2: 10
Package 2 Height: 20.900 cm
Package 2 Width: 30.800 cm
Package 2 Length: 40.500 cm
Package 2 Weight: 2.666 kg
Offer Sustainability
Sustainable offer status: Green Premium product
REACh Regulation: Free of Substances of Very High Concern above the threshold
REACh free of SVHC: Yes
EU RoHS Directive: Compliant
Toxic heavy metal free: Yes
Mercury free: Yes
China RoHS Regulation: Pro-active China RoHS declaration (out of China RoHS legal scope)
RoHS exemption information: Yes
Environmental Disclosure: ENVPEP1311021EN
Circularity Profile: ENVEOLI1311021EN
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